Welcome to FAQ’s

If you don’t find the answer you are looking for here, get in touch and I will do my best to answer.

Are any of your products nut-free or soy-free?

Yes! Most of my selection is already nut and soy free unless it cannot be avoided. (Ex. The vegan marshmallows I use contain soy.)

Do you offer sugar-free items?

Yes! I have accommodated custom cakes to be sugar-free, and several of my cookie and muffin offerings can be sugar-free as well. For the most part, I have used maple as a sweetener in muffins and cookies. In cakes, I will make a cashew frosting or use Swerve products if a client likes that flavor!

Are there any more menu items that I don’t see listed?

Yes! I am working on extending the list as I have pictures of the items done. If you don’t see it but you want it, just ask! Chances are it is available or I can recommend you to another fellow local baker that can accommodate your request.

I am not gluten-free. Will you use regular flour?

That’s a big no! While I understand the hesitation and being weary of gluten-free baked goods, many of my clients are only vegan and have great feedback.

I am not vegan, just gluten-free. Will you use regular milk or eggs?

That’s a big no! While I understand the hesitation and being weary of vegan baked goods, many of my clients are only gluten-free and have great feedback.

Do you ship?

The answer is yes and no. I have shipped cookies, muffins, and rice krispie treats. I do not ship any items that need refrigeration. Since I am still a very small independent baker, the cost of the shipping is on the client.